Set A
a) Implement a list library (singlylist.h) for a singly linked list with the above four operations. Write a menu driven driver program to call the operations.
b) Implement a list library (doublylist.h) for a doubly linked list with the above four operations. Write a menu driven driver program to call the operations.
Set B
a) There are lists where insertion should ensure the ordering of data elements. Since the elements are in ascending order the search can terminate once equal or greater element is found. Implement a singly linked list of ordered integers(ascending/descending) with insert, search and display operations.
b) There are lists where new elements are always appended at the end of the list. The list can be implemented as a circular list with the external pointer pointing to the last element of the list. Implement singly linked circular list of integers with append and display operations. The operation append(L, n), appends to the end of the list, n integers either accepted from user or randomly generated.
a) Implement a list library (singlylist.h) for a singly linked list with the above four operations. Write a menu driven driver program to call the operations.
b) Implement a list library (doublylist.h) for a doubly linked list with the above four operations. Write a menu driven driver program to call the operations.
Set B
a) There are lists where insertion should ensure the ordering of data elements. Since the elements are in ascending order the search can terminate once equal or greater element is found. Implement a singly linked list of ordered integers(ascending/descending) with insert, search and display operations.
b) There are lists where new elements are always appended at the end of the list. The list can be implemented as a circular list with the external pointer pointing to the last element of the list. Implement singly linked circular list of integers with append and display operations. The operation append(L, n), appends to the end of the list, n integers either accepted from user or randomly generated.
Set B (b)