Emp-Dept Create A RDB In 3NF | PHP - IProgramX

Slip no. 11. Consider the following entities and their relationship
Emp( e_no, ename, address, phone, salary)
Dept(d_no, dname, location)
Emp-Dept related with many-one relationship.
Create a RDB in 3NF for above and solve the following.

Using above database write a script in PHP which will
a) Insert Employee records and Department records into respective tables.
B) Print a salary statement in the format given below, for a given Department.
[Hint : create a HTML form to accept Department name form user]

HTML File:

<form action="a5a1.php" method="POST">
Enter Department name : <input type="text" name="dept_name" /></br>
<input type="submit"/>

PHP Function:
NOTE: PHP function is saved as "a5a1.php"


$dept_name = $_POST['dept_name'];

$con = pg_connect( "dbname=test" );
if( !$con ) {
echo 'Connection not established';

$dept_insert = "insert into dept values(1,'HR','1st Floor') ,(2, 'Comp sci', '2nd floor'),(3,'Maths','2nd
Floor'),(4,'Electronics','3rd Floor')";

$res = pg_query($con,$dept_insert);

$emp_insert = "insert into employee values( 1, 'abc','Pune','7894356','20000',1),( 2, 'abc','Pune','7894356','10000', 1),( 3,
'abc','Pune','7894356','30000',3),( 4, 'abc','Pune','7894356','120000',2)";

$res1 = pg_query($con,$emp_insert);

$strQuery = "select max(salary), min(salary), sum(salary) from employee where d_no in(select d_no from dept where
dname = '$dept_name')";

$result = pg_query($con,$strQuery);

$row = pg_fetch_row($result);

<th>Maximum salary</th>
<th>Minimum salary</th>
<td><?php echo $row[0];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[1];?></td>
<td><?php echo $row[2];?></td>

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