Q. Define an interface which has methods area( ), volume( ). Define constant PI. Create a class cylinder which implements this interface and calculate area and volume. (Hint: Use define( ))
PHP Function: NOTE:PHP function is saved as "a4a1.php" <?php $r=$_POST['rad'];$h=$_POST['hit']; define('PPI','3.1412'); Interface fun{ function area($r,$h); function volume($r,$h);} class cylinder implements fun{ function area($r,$h) { $area=(2*PPI*$r*($r+$h)); echo "<center><h3>The area of cylinder is: $area</font></center></h3>"; } function volume($r,$h) { $v=(PPI*$r*$r*$h); echo "<center><h3>The volume of cylinder is: $v</font></center></h3>"; }} $o=new cylinder;$o->area($r,$h);$o->volume($r,$h); ?> Output: